January 10, 2007

Adult Learning Principles

Did you know that adults have special needs as learners? When we were kids, we went to school, and we sat through class every day, and our teachers taught everyone pretty much the same way. It didn't really matter if you were a visual learner, or an auditory learner, or a kinesthetic learner. The teacher pretty much did whatever she/he felt most comfortable doing. Times have changed, and teachers are more aware of learning styles now, and other issues that affect children's learning.

But the principles of adult learning are still pretty new to most people. If you're a speaker, and you're doing any kind of education or training with the groups you're speaking to, this applies to you.

Over the next week or so, I'll talk about a different principle each day. I'll be back later with today's post!

Here are links to the whole series:

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