April 2, 2008

Sticky commercials

I've written before on sticky ideas, specifically unexpectedness and simplicity, from the Heath brothers book, "Made to Stick."

To refresh your memory, the acronym SUCCESs spells out the six attributes of ideas that stick in people's minds: Simplicity, Unexpectedness, Concreteness, Credibility, Emotions, and Stories.

I recently noticed these two brilliant commercials by Farmers Insurance, advertising their HelpPoint service.

These videos have most of the features of a sticky idea, the primary ones for me being:

1. Unexpectedness -- could you have anticipated how these would end?

2. Emotions -- they start out silly and end up sad. The one about the house fire chokes me up every time.

3. Stories -- each one tells a story, but there's no happy ending.

(If you can't see the video, view it on YouTube.)

If you can't see the video, view it on YouTube.

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