July 25, 2011

Death of a hamster: a well-told story

Graham Norton typically ends his talk show with a a storyteller in his red chair. If Graham (or a guest) deems the story to be unsatisfactory or told poorly, he pulls a lever and the storyteller is tipped out of the chair backwards. I'm always rooting for the storyteller to have a good enough story to be allowed to walk away.

Check out Jake's story about the loss of a pet hamster. In under a minute he is able to tell a story that has all the elements needed to keep the audience's interest. It's crisply told, in a simple, well-organized chronology; it's emotionally engaging; it's funny; it's memorable; and it has a twist at the end. And Jake gets up and walks away!

If you can't see the video here, view it on YouTube.

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