March 8, 2008

What my morning looks like. . .

. . . times three.

If you haven't seen this animated video yet, check it out. Cat lovers will totally get it.

(If you can't see it, click here for the video, called "Cat Man Do," on YouTube.)

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1 comments. Please add yours! :

Anonymous said...

Hi, Lisa!

I was ego-surfing this morning (you know, googling your own name to see if anybody's talking about you) and found a wonderful comment you wrote about my speaking "I enjoyed watching a presentation by Chellie Campbell a few months back. She's really kooky and silly, and makes her finance presentations fun and engaging in a way that seems totally authentic."

So I just had to visit you to say thanks! I love being called kooky and silly - just what I like to be!! Everyone is much too serious and significant in life. I believe in the 11th commandment: "Thou shalt lighten up!"

Have a marvelous day!

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