December 22, 2009

Participate in a Twitter experiment...

I received this comment from @Rey_Carr on my blog post "Tweet like you mean it," the other day:

"Your comments summarize nicely (and diplomatically) what I have learned from being on Twitter.

For the last month we've been conducting an experiment to determine how large businesses are using Twitter.

So far the results appear to reveal that most of these businesses are missing an opportunity to connect, respond, shine, or build an extended customer base. Mostly they just promote their own products; in other words they use Twitter as a promotional tool and seem little interested in engagement, consumer education, or providing quality service.

We have two more months to go in the experiment. If any of your readers are interested in taking part here's one way they can help. Mention a company (such as Best Buy, Ford, Xerox, IBM, etc) and include this hastag: #EXP2009. Then find out if the company mentioned contacts you, replies to your tweet, or in some cases retweets.

The reason we're asking to include the #EXP2009 hashtag is so it will be easy for people to track the different ways people are mentioning companies and getting or not getting any response."

Sounds like a fun experiment to participate in, and anyone can join! @Rey_Carr and @Peer_Resources can answer any questions you have if you'd like to participate.

On The Everything Page you'll find everything you need to build visibility, credibility and influence through engaging presentations that move your participants into action: freebies, low-cost products and courses, and 1:1 coaching!

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