Are you a hater?

1. You think it's boring, because you've only seen boring slides.
2. You think it prevents you from connecting with the audience, because you've only seen speakers hide behind it.
3. You think it's superfluous, because you've only seen speakers who read the screen.
4. You think it's ugly, because you've only seen canned templates and bullet-laden slides.
5. You think it's cheesy, because you've only seen presentations with corny animations and sounds.
6. You hate it because it's cool to hate PowerPoint.
I used to hate PowerPoint, too. Before I got to know it.
Here's the thing: Why wouldn't you use every tool available to you as a speaker to help your audience grasp your message?
PowerPoint may not be appropriate for every presentation, or every audience, or every venue, and it can certainly be misused. But does that make it evil? Does that mean there are no appropriate ways to use it and that your presentations will be as boring, ugly and cheesy as the ones you've seen?
Open your mind. Look at all the tools available to you. PowerPoint is just one of them. It's not the only one. It's not the worst one and it's not the best one.
It's what you make of it.
On The Everything Page you'll find everything you need to build visibility, credibility and influence through engaging presentations that move your participants into action: freebies, low-cost products and courses, and 1:1 coaching!
6 comments. Please add yours! :
Thanks Lisa, this really needed to be said.
Thanks for stopping by, Lee. Had to get that off my chest. :-)
I love powerpoint!
I loved it since gradeschool!
Of course It may always seem boring when you use a lot of text and unnecessary animations...
They taught me not to use more than 15 lines of text.
It gets pretty crowded when you surpass this number and its not good on the eye.
Another thing with power point is that you could insert other digital media in the presentation. Movie clips, sounds, hyperlink to other programs.. etc. Nowadays we are using a minimum of 150 slides per presentation. It is because we are animating objects frame by frame with a time delay of 0.00 seconds... just like a Flash player but with a very vigorous approach...
It just goes like, when you love something, you'll really try to love it...
Thanks for your comment, Johnny. Glad to hear you love PowerPoint!
I would suggest that 15 lines of text on a slide is way too many... Check out more of my PowerPoint posts here:
ah.... but Apple's Keynote rocks it hard!!!
Will have to try that some day.
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