October 30, 2006

Guest column for women's magazine

I'm going to start writing a guest column for a local women's magazine, starting with the Winter issue coming out in December. Here's the current issue of Woman Magazine, and here's the summer issue. (Woman Magazine is a quarterly insert in the Santa Barbara News-Press.)

I'm really excited about this opportunity that literally fell into my lap after I mistakenly sent an unintended e-mail to the editor (I realize that "mistakenly" and "unintended" are redundant - but I'm trying to emphasize that this was a truly embarrassing but fortuitous happenstance). I love writing, but sometimes it's hard to make myself write unless I have a specific purpose and, preferably, a deadline.

I've got two ideas percolating right now: the first would focus on New Year's resolutions to overcome public speaking fear and become a more effective speaker. The second would be about breaking the ice with strangers at holiday parties. You know those parties you end up at where, somehow, you don't know a single person? Or the only person you do know has a little problem with making introductions?

I'll post a link when it comes out in December.

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